Nr 3, 2020: Migrän

Hjälper intravenöst C-vitamin mot Coronaviruset? av Lina Åhlén, hälsoskribent

  1. Chen N., Zhou M., Dong X. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet. 2020;395:10223.

  2. Wald E.L., Sanchez-Pinto N., Smith C.M. Hydrocortisone-Ascorbic Acid-Thiamine Use Associated with Lower Mortality in Pediatric Septic Shock. ATS Journals. 2020;January

  3. Fowler A.A., Truwit J.D., Duncan Hite R. Effect of Vitamin C Infusion on Organ Failure and Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Injury in Patients With Sepsis and Severe Acute Respiratory Failure. JAMA. 2019:322;13

  4. Fujii T., Luethi N., Young P.J. Effect of Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, and Thiamine vs Hydrocortisone Alone on Time Alive and Free of Vasopressor Support Among Patients With Septic Shock. JAMA Networks. 2020;323:5

  5. Peng Z. Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2020;Feb
    Roa F.J., Peña E., Gatica M. Therapeutic Use of Vitamin C in Cancer: Physiological Considerations. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020;11:211
    Kim H., Jang M., Kim Y. et al. Red ginseng and vitamin C increase immune cell activity and decrease lung inflammation induced by influenza A virus/H1N1 infection. Journal of Parmacy and Pharmacology. 2016:68;3

  6. Matthay M.A., Aldrich J.M., Gotts J.E. et. al. Treatment for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome from COVID-19. THE LANCET Respiratory Medicine. 2020;March.

  7. Fowler A.A., Truwit J.D., Duncan Hite R. Effect of Vitamin C Infusion on Organ Failure and Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Injury in Patients With Sepsis and Severe Acute Respiratory Failure. JAMA. 2019:322;13

  8. Jonsson B.H. Bör inte död vara ett primärt utfallsmått i sepsisstudier? Läkartidningen. 2020;Mar

  9. Mongelli L, Golding B. New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C. New York Post. 2020;March 

  10. Erol A. High-dose intravenous vitamin C treatment for COVID-19. Researchgate. 2020;Feb

Kan man stärka sitt immunförsvar? av Peter Martin, leg läkare, med dr

Migrän – här är symtomen av Markus Mattiasson, biomedicinare och hälsoskribent

Varför får man migrän? av Markus Mattiasson, biomedicinare och hälsoskribent

Metoderna som lindrar av Markus Mattiasson, biomedicinare och hälsoskribent

Ett funktionsmedicinskt perspektiv – Den individuella migräntröskeln av Markus Mattiasson, biomedicinare och hälsoskribent’